Best Command Line In Linux by CodeGooblok

Hiii..Welcome To My Blog Kali ini admin codegooblok akan membagikan Tips and Trick "Best Command Line In Linux by CodeGooblok" Bagi pencinta Linuxer bermain dengan shortcut sudah tidak asing lagi disini dmin akan membagikan beberapa tips yang sering digunakan Lets... ceks
Berikut control dan fungsi shortcut nya

Ctrl + Shift + N    Open new terminal window
Ctrl + Shift + T    Open new tab on Current terminal
Ctrl + Shift + D    Detach Window
Ctrl + Shift + W    Close current tab
Ctrl + Shift + Q    Close terminal window
Ctrl + PageUp    Move to previous tab
Ctrl + PageDown    Move to next tab
Alt + Number (1,2,3)    Move to tab 1/2/3
Ctrl + Shift + C    Copy from terminal
Ctrl + Shift + V    Paste to terminal
Ctrl + Shift + A    Select All
Ctrl + Shift + F    Search
Up Arrow / Ctrl + P    Scrolls through the commands you've entered before
Down Arrow / Ctrl + N    Takes you back to a more recent command
tab    Auto completes any commands or file names
Ctrl + R    Searches for commands you've already typed
Ctrl + A / Home    Moves the cursor to the start of a line
Ctrl + E / End    Moves the cursor to the end of a line
Ctrl + K    Deletes from the current cursor position to the end of the line
Ctrl + U    Deletes from the start of the line to the current cursor position
Ctrl + W    Deletes the word before the cursor
Ctrl + Y    Revert that remove by Ctrl + W
Alt + B    Goes back one word at a time
Alt + Shift + F    Moves forward one word at a time
Alt + C    Capitalizes letter where cursor is and moves to end of word
Ctrl + L     Clear terminal output

 sisia sisa bersama linux 15.10

