Berikut control dan fungsi shortcut nya
Ctrl + Shift + N Open new terminal window
Ctrl + Shift + T Open new tab on Current terminal
Ctrl + Shift + D Detach Window
Ctrl + Shift + W Close current tab
Ctrl + Shift + Q Close terminal window
Ctrl + PageUp Move to previous tab
Ctrl + PageDown Move to next tab
Alt + Number (1,2,3) Move to tab 1/2/3
Ctrl + Shift + C Copy from terminal
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste to terminal
Ctrl + Shift + A Select All
Ctrl + Shift + F Search
Up Arrow / Ctrl + P Scrolls through the commands you've entered before
Down Arrow / Ctrl + N Takes you back to a more recent command
tab Auto completes any commands or file names
Ctrl + R Searches for commands you've already typed
Ctrl + A / Home Moves the cursor to the start of a line
Ctrl + E / End Moves the cursor to the end of a line
Ctrl + K Deletes from the current cursor position to the end of the line
Ctrl + U Deletes from the start of the line to the current cursor position
Ctrl + W Deletes the word before the cursor
Ctrl + Y Revert that remove by Ctrl + W
Alt + B Goes back one word at a time
Alt + Shift + F Moves forward one word at a time
Alt + C Capitalizes letter where cursor is and moves to end of word
Ctrl + L Clear terminal output
sisia sisa bersama linux 15.10